
Regular Runners


Experienced Runners Training Programme
This programme has been specially put together by fitness experts, nutritionists and other marathon experts to provide experienced runners with a training schedule that begins in November and builds up over three months leading up to Race Day!


1 Speed Play, ideally off-road Rest 60 mins easy Rest 80 mins steady pace 45 mins steady run Rest
2 3 x 8-10 mins hard, 3 mins recovery between efforts, with warm-up and cool down Easy 25 mins jog 50 mins steady pace Rest 90 mins easy 45 mins easy Rest
3 Rest 60 mins steady 35 mins easy Rest 100-110 mins taken very easy 30 mins easy 50 mins hilly circuit with efforts on hills
4 3 x 8-10 mins hard, 3 mins recovery between efforts, with warm-up and cool down 35 mins jog 50 mins steady Rest 50 mins fast pace Rest 35 mins easy
5 60 mins off-road and hilly Speed Play session Rest 45 mins easy Rest 120 mins slow 25 mins recovery jog 45 mins steady
6 Alternate 3 min hard bursts with 3 min of easy jogging Rest 60 mins comfortable pace Rest 120-130 mins slow 24 mins jog 45 mins steady
7 60 mins Speed Play with long duration efforts Rest 50 mins steady 25 mins easy jog 90 mins good pace with long warm-up and cool-down 25 mins very easy 45 mins steady
8 4 x 8-10 mins hard, 2.5 mins recovery between efforts 45 mins easy 70 mins at race pace Rest 145 mins Rest 45 mins steady
9 4 x 8-10 mins hard, 2.5 mins recovery between efforts 45 mins easy 70 mins at race pace Rest 145 mins Rest 45 mins easy
10 Rest 75 mins off-road Speed Play 45 mins easy Rest 160 mins taken easy 25 mins jog recovery 45 mins steady
11 2 x 15 mins hard, 4 mins recovery between efforts 45 mins steady 25 mins easy jog Rest 180 mins slow Rest 50 mins steady
12 50 mins relaxed Speed Play 45 mins steady 25 mins easy jog 20 mins easy jog 10k race Rest 45 mins steady
13 4 x 15 mins hard, 2.5 mins recovery between efforts 35 mins slow 50 mins steady Rest 200 mins slow 25 mins easy recovery 45 mins steady
14 60 mins easy Speed Play 35 mins jog 45 mins at marathon race pace Rest 130 mins steady Rest 50 mins steady
15 35 mins brisk pace + warm-up and cool-down 45 mins steady Rest 25 mins easy 50 mins steady 5 mins easy off-road Easy 25 min jog or rest
16 30 mins very easy Rest or 25 mins easy Rest 15 mins very, very easy jog RACE DAY 5 mins easy off-road Warm-up, 10 mins at race pace, cool-down


Speed Play: Training involves changing the speed at which you run throughout your training session.
Super Slow: Really, really slow, so slow it hardly seems worth putting your kit on.
Easy Jog: No pressure, just loosening up or a recovery run.
Slow: Still a slow pace but a little faster than an ‘easy jog’.
Comfortable: You can chat easily to your training partner and keep the pace consistent.
Steady: Even-paced run where you can chat in short sentences.
Brisk: Slightly breathless, not easy to hold any conversation with your training partner.
Hard: You certainly know you’re working, conversation is definitely out.


W/U Warm up.
W/D Warm down.